MD Ageless Solutions



Have you felt a bit wistful lately when you look in the mirror? Suddenly, it seems your age is showing on your face. Maybe you’ve been wondering if there is a way to repair the damage.

Now there is a proven technique that offers a safe, quick, effective way to lift tissues and tighten your skin. It’s called Ultherapy (just think ultra), and it’s used on hard-to-treat areas such as the chin line or brow area.

What makes Ultherapy unique? It’s a process, not a product. You may start to notice subtle changes immediately, but one of the many benefits of Ultherapy is that the process keeps working for months.

A New Type of Non-Surgical Procedure to Lift and Tighten Loose Skin

Think of Ultherapy as similar to the effects of exercise on your muscle tone: One session is great, but the improvements just keep building with each workout. You’ve heard of facial cosmetic work that leaves scars or takes you out of circulation for weeks. This is different.


You can show your face, so to speak, immediately after the first 60- or 90-minute session. Ultherapy uses ultrasound– safe and FDA-approved– to stimulate the body’s own growth, enhancing underlying layers to lift, tone, and tighten loose skin on the neck, face, and collar area.

Meet Heather, 46, Graphic Designer and Single Mom, who want to look and feel good as she enters the dating scene; maintaining a youthful glow in a workplace full of younger colleagues.


Ultherapy is designed to address the following problems:

  • Frown Lines
  • Parentheses
  • Chin Wattles
  • Sagging Cheeks
  • Decolletage Area
  • Other Difficult Areas

Results will unfold over the course of 2-3 months and some clients have reported continued improvement for up to 6 months, including lifting and tightening of the skin on the neck, under the chin, along the jawline, and on the brow.

It takes years for gravity to do its damage on taut facial and neck skin, but with today’s scientific advancements you will start to see improvement after just one visit to our Miami clinic. Combined with aplatelet rich plasma therapy, this treatment provides much noticeable results in skin texture and firmness.


If you are unhappy with the way you look, call today for a consultation. Our trained technicians will explain the technique, advise you on your best use of Ultherapy, and answer your questions. Don’t wait another day for some miracle to occur in the mirror. Find out what Ultherapy can do for your appearance and peace of mind. Call our Miami med spa to learn more about this advanced facelift therapy.


Ultherapy Miami FL

Ultherapy is a natural skin tightening non-invasive procedure that uses time-tested ultrasound energy to lift and tighten the skin naturally without the need for surgery. It is the only non-invasive procedure that is FDA-approved to lift skin under the chin, on the neck and eyebrow.

Ultherapy uses the power of ultrasound to transform the chin, neck, eyebrow, and chest. It relies on ultrasound therapy to deliver collagen-boosting treatment. It stimulates collagen production in the deepest layers to renew and tone the skin from inside without affecting the outer surface.

It helps you to achieve a more youthful, fresher and younger skin look. It also improves the appearance of the lines and wrinkles on the décolleté.

How much does Ultherapy cost in Miami Florida?

Ultherapy treatment in Miami Florida for the entire face and neck area may cost from $5,000 to $8,000. However, treatment in small areas may cost about $2,000.

Which non-surgical facelift is the best?

There are several non-surgical facelift procedures such as Botox, Fillers, Ultherapy, Threadlift, Laser Skin Resurfacing, and so on. However,

How can I tighten loose skin on my neck?

Ultherapy is a skin regenerative treatment used to regenerate skin to its original tight and firm state. It is a non-surgical ultrasound treatment that helps to tighten facial and neck tissues through deep heating.

Ultherapy uses your body’s regenerative reaction to gradually and gently lift and tighten the skin on your neck. Ultherapy also uses ultrasound energy to stimulate the growth of new and existing collagen and elastin. The production of collagen and elastin helps to add volume and firmness to loose skin on your neck.

How many Ultherapy treatments are needed?

Ultherapy usually needs one treatment session. However, this may be adjusted depending on the severity of your skin laxity and how well your skin responds to the treatment. Most people require just two treatments a year to maintain a firmer and youthful skin appearance.

Ultherapy uses your body’s regenerative reaction to gradually and gently lift and tighten the skin on your neck. Ultherapy also uses ultrasound energy to stimulate the growth of new and existing collagen and elastin. The production of collagen and elastin helps to add volume and firmness to loose skin on your neck.

Does Ultherapy work on jowls?

Ultherapy is a noninvasive, nonsurgical ultrasound facelift treatment to lift, tighten, and firm skin tissue on the jowls, chin, neck, and entire face. It uses the body’s regenerative reaction to gradually lift and tighten the skin. It also uses ultrasound energy to stimulate the growth of new and existing collagen. Ultherapy treatment can be used to add firmness to saggy jowls and make the skin look younger.

Ultherapy uses your body’s regenerative reaction to gradually and gently lift and tighten the skin on your neck. Ultherapy also uses ultrasound energy to stimulate the growth of new and existing collagen and elastin. The production of collagen and elastin helps to add volume and firmness to loose skin on your neck.

Does Ultherapy work on older skin?

Ultherapy uses ultrasound energy to stimulate the growth of new and existing collagen. As we grow older the collagen production in the skin reduces gradually which leads to skin laxity, wrinkles, and fine lines. Ultherapy helps to increase the production and growth of collagen which is very beneficial on older skin. It helps to rejuvenate the skin, creating a firmer, smoother, and younger looking skin.


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