MD Ageless Solutions

Vampire Facial in Miami, FL

What is the Vampire facial?

The vampire facial is the vampire facelift plus derma-pen that is used to induce collagen formation by creating micro channels on the skin. The derma-pen creates micro punctures in the skin that is perceived by the body as damage, which stimulates the release of growth factors that trigger the production of collagen and elastin.


Which one is the best derma pen?

More needles will produce the best results. The expected outcome of the procedure is to reduce superficial wrinkles on the face and lips; to improve overall skin tone and texture and to minimize the appearance of skin pores.

How soon you will see the results?

You will see results in a few days and this might last years. We recommend a series of treatments along with peptides, vitamin C, or even better PPP (platelets).


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